Mrs.T. Adhi Ramalakshmi,

MCA, M.Phil., M.Ed., M.Sc(Psy), NET(Education) ,
Assistant Professor of Education
Name of the faculty Mrs.T. Adhi Ramalakshmi
Designation Assistant Professor of Education
Educational Qualification MCA, M.Phil., M.Ed., M.Sc(Psy), NET(Education)
Date of Joining 03.10.2022
Subjects Handling B.Ed I Year:
Educational Psychology
EPC-3 Critical Understanding of ICT
Online Course - SWAYAM
B.Ed II Year:
Knowledge and Curriculum
Creating an Inclusive School
M.Ed I :
Basics in Educational Research
Psychology Experiment
Advanced Educational Research and Statistics
Psychology Practical Record
M.Ed II :
Sociology of Education
Comparative Education
Social Media